Self Build #2 Base


There is a shrewd carpenter’s work place nearby. One of our neighbors introduced us to him, Sugiyama-san. He’s so kind he told us that he could arrange the wood for the hut for us. Also gave me a lot of ideas. I am really glad we met him.


The design for the hut was coming close so I started calculating how much wood need to buy. Also wanted to build a base for it. Placing rope where I wanted the hut to be. It made my plan more visible.


Drove stakes outside of the rope then put boards leveled on them. 


The bace is stones so I corrected ones have flat surface on more than one side from our property.


The four corner, I dug about 30cm and put stones then pump them hard.


Leveled the stones around a dirt floor. I’ll put lime-mixed-cray insid and make the dirt floor also some clay between those rocks and wall boards.


A piece of block for leveling the base stones and setting the hight. It was a simple task I had though but it turned out a time consuming work. In the end I decided to adjust the length of the pillars. That’d do.


The base was done in three days with a half day work on each day. I put sands into the gaps of rocks to fill up so to strengthen it I hope. It wasn’t exciting work it seems but it was the first time building a tiny hut, the biggest object I’ve never been built before. So I was grinning in my mind while working on it haha.


I find these hard cray when I dig the garden to take out bamboo roots. It’s pure cray so I wanna use it on the dirt floor in this hut. If you keep it out for a while then these hard ones crumble. Now I correct them in the future dirt floor spot little by little.  The next is marking!




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