Rocket Stove


I wanted to make a rocket stove since the beginning. A month ago my mom asked me to cut an old tree so I did. And I got lots logs from it. A chainsaw is useful for this life style. I cut two square holes from the top and the side of the big log. And that is our first rocket stove!

Half of the tree was rotten or almost there. Those go to the garden back to ground.


This idea was from Heiwa-Dojo in Chiba by Kai Sawyer. When we visited there a small one like I made was in the yard. A common rocket stove is made with oil cans and stove chimneys which wouldn’t last a year because of high temperature. But this one is garbage-free natural stove. It needs a little firewood for the beginning then the stove itself burns. No need to add firewoods by then.



The powerful fire makes cooking time short. Stir brown rice then add curry powder, garlic salt, mirin. Add some water make it crispy. That’s all to make my favorite snack!


One problem is when the inside of the stove start to burn, the fire power only goes up. You can see burned rice in the pan. I’ll put some kinda cover on the side hole to control the air amount. And when you done cooking pour some water to put out the fire that’s the only way.


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