Permaculture #2 Bullocks

Obviously I was lack of knowledge. They know a lot about permaculture, some started their own farm, some had spent time in eco-village, some had permaculture design corses. Think it was three years ago the first time I heard the word “Permaculture” from Hacchi, one of the share mates at Haijima. She told me about Sawyer Kai and handed me his book “Urban Permaculture”. It was fascinating and I was hooked with one thing, the earthoven!

今回の参加者たちは農業を始めてたり、エコビレッジで生活した経験があったり、セミナーやワークショップへの参加経験あったり、デザインコースを受けている人達で知識と経験溢れた方々。自分は知識ほぼ無し、確か3年くらい前にシェアハウスの住人のハッチから海くんの事を話され彼の本”Urban Permaculture”を渡された。内容は都会で出来るパーマカルチャーで興味深かったけど一番引かれたのはアースオーブンだった。

NVC(Nonviolent Communication) in the morning. Kei does NVC. I thought about Kei’d enjoy this trip much more than me. Also she could have conversations with others deeper than I could. All I talk about was the PCT…

今日の朝はNVC(非暴力コミュニケーション) から始まった。NVCは渓がやってるのをたまに見たけど、これも初めて。渓なら参加者たちともっと深い話が出来てもっと楽しめるのかな~て思ってた。俺が話すのはPCTの事ばかり…

What is this place?

Skagit Valley Food Co-op is one of forty American Co-ops. You can be the owner of this store by joining the membership. Kei wants to try no waste life, bulk shop is one of the solution for that.

ここはガーデニングの店ではなくてSkagit Valley Food Co-op、日本で言うとこの生協だけど、こちらが本家本物で消費者がオーナーになれる消費者の為のお店!渓はゴミを出さない生活に関心が高く、この量り売りはゴミを出さない代表みたいなものだな。

Mt Vernon around Food Co-op has lots of street arts.

コープがあるMt Vernonの街中には興味深いストリートアートが溢れていた。

Nice beach with board walk around Anacortes Ferry Terminal. Years ago there were many salmon canning factories here.


Ferry to Orcas Island. You can see Vancouver Island from high point on Orcas. It’s that close to Canada.


Kai gave us a brief tour for where we settle. We camp while staying at Bullocks.


It was a welcome dinner by Yuriko Bullocks, with interns and people here. Gabriel brought self-hunted-a year-aged-bore hum on the pic. Everything was yummy!


Only one opening in bamboos around Bullocks, I found it very peaceful to sleep. We’ll stay here for the next five days learning about permaculture.



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