PCT Day69 Zero 3 (7/22, Etna-Yreka)

Sunday in Etna was quiet, most of shops were closed. To enjoy our zero we moved to Yreka. From there we can take a bus to Dunsmuir tomorrow but no bus going out from Etna on Sunday. Hitching was the only way.

日曜日のEtnaは何もない。殆どのお店は閉まっているしHiker HutのWiFiは遅いし混んでて落ち着かないので、少し進んでYrekaに向かう事に。Yreka迄はヒッチして翌日にバスでDunsmuirへ。

Took us a while but we made it to Yreka!


Motel 6 is the one I stay the most in town because it’s cheap. Resupplied at Walmart and back to motel planning, blogging and relaxing.

街に降りた時の宿の多くはMotel 6。Walmartで食料を買い込んでから戻って計画立てたりブログの更新して後はのんびり~

Smoky the last few days wherever I was. The smoke was coming from the big fire in Oregon near the border, a mile away from PCT. One of the fire closures opened up this morning but I decided to stick to Jeremy’s plan. Taking Amtrak to Crater Lake skipping 90miles in California and 130miles in Oregon. It’s a big skip but tell you the truth I was sick of Southern California, glad to get out of it.

Goodbye California!




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