PCT Day68 The Plan (7/21, 1,531-Etna)


There were two fire closures coming up soon in Oregon. One just cross the border and another before Crater Lake. At this moment it was impossible to cross the border on PCT but reroute.

今の所オレゴンに入ってからCrater Lake迄に2箇所で火事のためPCTは歩けなくなっている。長かったカリフォルニアからオレゴンへの州境は山火事が迫っていて通過できない。

Jeremy came up with a plan which skips more than necessary but simple way to get through, using public transportation, no hitching involved.


Get Etna bus to Dunsmuir then take Amtrak to Crater Lake, entering Oregon by train!

Also I’m thinking to hike Oregon Coast Trail, 382 mile, instead burned PCT.


後はPCTは忘れてOregon Coast Trailを火事だらけのPCTの代わりに歩くってのもあり。

Took the last two beds at Hiker Hut in Etna. They have bicycles for us to wander around town. I love riding a bicycle!

EtnaのHiker Hutで最後のバンクベッドをゲット、自由に使えるマウンテンバイクがあるので街中の移動はチャリ。自転車って早いな~


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