PCT Day70 Zero 4 (7/23, Yreka-Dunsmuir)

Bus ride to Dunsmuir.


I was planning to send five food boxes, two in Oregon and three to Washington from Ashland, OR. Since I’m skipping Ashland I wanted to send four boxes from Dunsmuir. That was the task I needed to do here.


Not many choices for glossary here but I got enough to get through. Only few spots to resupply in OR/WA.


Wow best water on earth! There’s water fountain in town I tried and it was icy cold great water. One of the best I suppose.

地球で一番の水の街⁉︎ 中々大きく出てるけど街中にある水場で味見して見ると、冷たくて美味しい!一番かどうかは分からんが美味しい水が身近に手に入るのは羨ましい~。


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