PCT Day46 Stitch Yourself (6/29, 1,000-1,017mile)

Leaving forest below then the landscape was completely changed.


Only 7miles to get to Hwy108/Sonora Pass. From there hitch to resort ranch, Kennedy Meadows North.

◦ 今日は11km程先のHwy108/Sonora Passを目指し、そこからはヒッチハイクしてリゾート牧場、Kennedy Meadows Northが目的地。

A couple gave us cold beers at Hwy108, magic again. Thanks!


Chili Cheese Burger was the one recommend by SOBO hikers and it was good.


I’ve having this crack in the middle toe after Lone Pine and it was getting worse. So I had to stitch myself again. It was more difficult than before, my skin was harder and my legs were not as flexible as before. But when I’ve done I felt much better!

Lone Pineの後から右中指の根元のひび割れ、日に日に悪化していたのでTAでやったようにまた縫う事に。皮膚が硬くなってるのと体も固くて縫うのに一苦労したけど、どうにか終了。大仕事を終えて一安心~


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