PCT Day47 EAT! (6/30, Kennedy Meadows North-1,038mile)

The third meal here. I took a shower yesterday and saw myself in the mirror the first time on the PCT. Wow, I lost a lot weight. I lost some mussels too so I decided to eat as much as possible.


Walk a few miles to get the junction to get a ride with Jeremy and Lilly Bird.

Jeremy、Lilly Birdと一緒にメインロードまで歩きヒッチ開始。

A pickup track gave us a ride on the back!


Just 20miles for today. I have more food than normal for three days hike to get South Lake Tahoe. Gotta eat!

今日はこの後30km程歩いた。3日でSouth Lake Tahoeだけどいつもより多めの食料を用意、食べて食べて体重戻さないと~!


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