PCT Day45 Thousand Mile (6/28, 973-1,000mile)

Just 1,000 and 1,661miles to go.


Second huaraches worn out pretty quick. The cork sheet on upper part was the mistake. At Monmouth Lakes I glued second sole onto the first huaraches.


High Sierra is almost over. Others say it’s getting easier especially in Oregon. Oregon is about 450mile long and flat, fast hikers walk in two weeks.

High Sierraも残すところあと少し、聞くところによるとこの先はアップダウンが少なくなり距離を伸ばせるとか。特にオレゴンはフラットで距離も700km、早いハイカーは2週間で歩き切るらしい。

Now my goal is finishing PCT in three and half month and that’d be the end of August!



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