PCT Day10 Long Descent vs My Knees (5/24, 190.5-218.5mile)

It is over 16miles down hill! If something happens to my knees that would be this long down hill. Started slow and one hour to warm up then stretch for half hour.


Maybe Sierras in distance.

200mile point! (322km)

Well in the end I was speeding mostly doing fore foot landing to absorb the shock.


Under Interstate 10, water cashes, soda, beer, food sitting for hikers. Unfortunately only water bottles were in cooler. Sometimes trail angels feed you or give you a ride to town, Cabazon. Well I have one more option to get some food which is 4mile ahead at Mesa Wind Farm.

ダウンヒルの後は平地をインターステイト10の高架下へ、水とゴミ箱は常にあり、運が良ければ食べ物とビール、ジュースがある。自分が着いた時は水しかなかった。更に運が良ければトレイルエンジェルが食事を作ってくれたり街まで連れていってくれる。食料が少し足りなかったけど6km先のMesa Wind Farmで補給する事に。

Office has frozen burgers, drinks, bars for hikers. Sign up and put money in.


They made shade for us to rest and eat with ice cold water in a cooler.


Climb up then down to Whitewater Reserve for camp tonight.

今日は更に進むので登って降ってWhitewater Reserveへ。


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