PCT Day9 Mt.San Jacinto (5/23, 178-190.5mile)

Slow start this morning. I needed to patch my mattress. The last two nights it deflated during the night crap.

After 3miles I decided to go off PCT to climb Mt.San Jacinto 10,834ft(3,302m). A little detour gave me 360° view. It says one of the greatest view in Southern California. Yes it was!

今日は朝からマットレスの修理、2日前から夜中に空気が抜けて入れ直すって億劫な作業をしてたから穴を探してパッチキットで修理。そのせいで遅めのスタート、更に3マイル歩いたところでPCTとは別ルートを選択してMt.San Jacinto 3,3,2mを登る事にした。南カルフォルニア一のパノラマ絶景を堪能。

A little shower and laundry time.

Summit Hut Shelter

Brandon from Oregon

Kaptain, Harriet and Brandon they stay together and most of the time I happened to stay the same place.


This is Dave. He remembered me at Mexico Border. He was the one too the group with my camera. He was day hiking this section and he said he might show up some points. That’d be cool.


When I got to Campground at 190.5mile, Detour was waiting for hikers. With beer and hotdogs. Thanks a lot Detour!


Detour 3,000mile hiker,

American hiker often says how many mileage they’ve done…well only they care about it and I don’t count my hike who cares. But thank you for the magic!



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