PCT Day11 Wine Red (5/25, 218.5-246.5mile)

It was the warmest night ever but windy.


Whitewater is 0.5mile off but feels like a mile.

First fording river.

Mt. San Jacinto in distance. Wow I was on top 2days ago.

2日前に頂上にいたMt.San Jacintoがこんなに遠くに。

I had a strange feeling after the long descend. It was frequent urination. I was wondering what was going on yesterday. It turned out this afternoon I had the second time wine red urine.

It was ok because I had it before after my first run with huaraches. So it must caused by forefoot landing on the long down hill a day before. Well I was slow till this moment then felt good afterwards. 28+mile again!

All the bad things were out of my body~

昨日下り終わってから何故か頻尿気味、利尿効果あさがあるもの食べたかな~って考えてたけど、この日の午後にワインレッドの尿がでた!ワラーチで始めて走った次の日の朝以来だったけど2回目だったので原因は推測できる。昨日のダウンヒルでのフォアフットランディングしかないね。今日は比較的ゆっくり歩いてたけど血尿の後はスピードアップして45+km! 悪いものは全部出たね~


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