
Chicks are playing all day long! Their most excited activity is “fight for a grasshopper”.


They like competing for everything and love grasshoppers. They can do catch and run all day long.


I found a website called “Chicken & Chicks Exchange”, back when using the incubator. And there were a guy from northern Okayama who was giving out bantam chicks.


So I contacted right away told him my name. And strangely he could guess where we live…! He lives in the same area. It’s three minutes away by car. What a coincidence!


He told me one male and four female would be an ideal family. So he brought five chicks here. If there were no male or more than two male then swap them later he suggested. He’s so kind! We talked a little and then promised that we visit to see how he treat chickens at home. After he left we opened the box and there were six chicks inside…welcome anyways!



He came back a couple of hours later with lots of eggs! Thanks so much!!!

Well at the beginning we didn’t know how to start and in the end we could get fertilized eggs and chicks around here~


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