Egg to Chicken #9


Bull&Rosso, twins are named by Shu-chan.


The incubator was too small for them. Three chicks play hard then fell asleep in the middle of it.


It was warm day so I put all of them in the chick box. Moët wasn’t completely dry so I needed to care about the temperature.


Chick box has two rooms. One with a hot water bottle, other has a charcoal heater with ventilation. When the bottle gets cooler chicks move to the other room. It was still chilly at night.


New born chicks can’t control their body temperature. So the first seven day we needed to watch it closely. I got to wake up every two hours during the night. And checking and reheating the bottle. Now they’re on the second week and chilliness in the morning is mild. Well I can finally sleep till the first light.



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