
先月に遡るけど、”いつか読書する日” や “まほろ駅前 多田便利軒” で同じスタッフだった松尾さんから突然の電話、どうもアメリカから日本語話せない人が見学に来るので通訳をやって欲しいという依頼だった。

Matsuo-san called me unexpectedly. He moved to Okayama five years ago. He used to working in film industry and we did some feature films together back in time.




He works at Meito Miso Honpo(miso and koji factory). There was a visitor coming to see the factory and she doesn’t speak any Japanese. Yes he asked me to come and translate.

Well Kei and I wanted to visit the shop also we were out of miso. So I say off course!

午前中は松尾さんの案内でWACCA FARMさんにお邪魔しました。

Matsuo-san took us to Wacca Farm before the visitor comes.


WACCA FARMは循環する農と暮らしをテーマに在来種、固定種の野菜を宅配で販売してます。気になる方はこちらをチェック!


They were busy getting ready for shipment. Still we had time to chat and it was inspiring that fifteen years of work on this land. WACCA FARM does natural farming and sells vegetables in a package.


Chickens are usually free to walk around but not on a shipping day. Still clever ones were out roaming around.



Bizen Fukuoka Ichimonji Udon for lunch. The owner glows wheat and they grind wheat into flower after orders. Wow the owner is so strict and yes it was yummy! Then my phone rang again by Matsuo-san. The visitor arrived before the schedule.

Steam was coming out of a big pod when we got into the factory. Wow that was amazing view! Too bad I didn’t take any pics while seeing the process making koji. Because I was busy translating…I’d have had Kei take photos. Anyway I’ll take it next time.



Thanks for the Miso and wine for the job. We had good time learning about koji and miso. We had the wine with fire the other night and enjoying the miso every morning!


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