津山の冬をテントで過ごすのに薪ストーブは必須、でも直ぐに使える薪が無い上に熱効率が良くないんだよね~。パーマカルチャーには効率が欠かせない、そこでロケットマスヒーター を自作してみることに。
Do you know about Rocket Mass Heater?
A woodstove was necessary staying in a tent here in winter. It’s not efficient heating system on top of that we do not have dry logs. Ok what can I do with permaculture is simply create a rocket mass heater.
東京にいる間にリサーチは進めたものの、作って改良改善していくのがロケットマスヒーター 。つまり基本的な構造や計算式だけでは完成されない物なのである。
Well I’ve been researching about it back in Tokyo. Most of creator says it need to try making one then improve it. There are basic structure and an equation for it. And that won’t always work.
I choose one using cheap woodstove and installing bricks inside. I wanted to make one with materials that I could get nearby. Make one and improve is the key but it has to work at least. Because winter around here gets snow. Not to mention we stay in a tent.
Using chimney effect and taking most of heat in, a rocket mass heater uses one fifth of wood compare to a woodstove. There’re demerits as well. I’ll talk about it next time!