古民家 WORKSHOP “友田家” #2

二泊三日のワークショップでは温泉に出かけたりはしたが、基本的に友田家とその周辺で行った。初日午後のアトラトル(投槍器) のあとは日が傾きはじめガブちゃんから”今夜生き残るには何が必要か?”の問いかけから枯れ枝と落ち葉で保温性のある簡易シェルターを作成、葉っぱだらけになって中に入るとほんのり温かかった。

This workshop was 3days 2nights. We spent most of the time here, Tomoda-ke. It was getting dark after playing with atlatl then Gabriel asked us what would you do to survive the coming night here. So we made a shelter with blanches and leafs around us and we did made a decent one. We all get inside one by one and I could feel warms inside.


We had a little walk toward the dam near us collecting mugwort and sticks for making fire.


Luna and Gabriel brought the plants for us to make accessories. Taking outer shell off the used the fiber inside then just twist them.


We tried making fire this afternoon, well Yuki and I tried it before everyone because we couldn’t wait.


Yuki made his first fire!!! Look at them, they were both happy~


Kaneko, the head of this house tried too. And of course she made it! She cooked rice for us almost every night and morning with fire. Yes she is the master it.


The last workshop was beadding. Boys made then last meal and then rest for the day.


ネイティブインデアンが ”何かを行う時に7世代先の子孫の事を考えて行動する” と言う諺は自分ではまだ想像も出来ない次元であるが、これから実践していくパーマカルチャーや自給自足の生活を通して少しづつ思考を近づけれればと思う日々である。

I finally had time to talk, the talk was how we meet thru-hike and why we did it. Te Araroa in New Zealand and PCT in the US gave me different perspective and then I meet people with permaculture. You know I meet it through Kei and Kai but most of all I had a chance to see the world with innocent mind.

I remember the saying from Native Americans, it says “In every deliberation, we must consider the impact on the seventh generation…”. I can’t see that fur for now but through the experience sustainable life in Okayama, I wish to see that fur.


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