Permaculture #7 Dignity Village

Dignity Village is a membership-based community in NE Portland, providing shelter off the streets for 60 people a night since 2001. It’s democratically self-governed with a mission to provide transitional housing that fosters community and self-empowerment– a radical experiment to end homelessness.

Introduction from Dignity Village org.

Dignity Villageはポートランドの北東に位置する会員制を基本とするコミュニティでホームレスの方など約60人に2001年からシェルターを提供している。ここでは民主的に管理されていて、その目的は暫定的な住宅の提供から始まり、コミュニティを通して個々の尊厳を取り戻し路上生活から脱却する為である。

Dignity Village org 参照。

The first building here is security check then this box office which was donated.


Dignity village welcomes couple as well as your pet which typical facilities-based shelters don’t accept.


The Commons has kitchen, TV, PC, electricity and wifi.

The Commonsはキッチン、リビングがありみんなが集まる場所で電気もwifiも完備!

One of the residence showed us around. This place is managed by readers who was elected by the villagers.


All tiny houses are built by donations and scraps. Looks like they’re building the same eco-tiny houses with solar panels now.


The ground is covered but they built planters for vegetables with art.


You can learn new skills such as PC. Villagers are from different field so you can learn many skills from others.

PCを学びたい村人はComputer Labでスキルを身につけ新たな分野でも仕事を探せる。村人たちは様々な仕事歴があるので学び合いの場にもなっている。

Mike told us the history how this place started. People in Portland stood up with homeless and got this place. Dignity Village is the first one of these kind. Since it’s success there are more homeless villages like this you can find in the US. For more information visit

マイクがDignity Villageの生い立ちを話してくれた。ポートランドの人々がホームレスと共に立ち上がりこの場所を勝ち取ったのだ、そしてここの成功を認めアメリカ各地で同じようなホームレスの為のエコビレッジが立ち上がっている。詳しいことは (英語) かDignity Villageをググれば日本語の記事もあるよ!


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