PCT Day72 Oregon Highway (7/25, 1,840-1,878mile)

I heard Oregon was flat and easy to walk. Many hikers do the Oregon Challenge hiking Oregon(455miles) in two weeks. Which is walking 30+miles for 14days, not too bad actually if the highway exists.

オレゴンはフラットで歩きやすくハイウェイと聞いていた。多くのハイカーはオレゴン(732km) を2週間で歩き切るオレゴンチャレンジに挑戦する。14日間毎日50+km歩けばいいだけ、本当にハイウェイなら問題なし。

I believe Southern California was highway, flat & easy walk with smooth surface. I made lots 30+ days up to 41mile.

Today was 38mile and nothing easier than California. I was exhausted, no highway here.



Windigo Pass was the camp tonight. There were well stoked water cashes and other stuffs like solar charger with mobile batteries and deet&non-deet wipes. Arranged by local hiker/angel. Thanks a lot!

今夜のキャンプはWindigo Pass、大量のウォーターキャッシュが用意してあり更にソーラーチャージャーとモバイルバッテリーがいくつか、虫除けのDeetシートなどがある。地元のハイカー兼エンジェルが管理してる模様。感謝!


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