PCT Day71 Amtrak (7/24, Crater Lake-1,840mile)

4:50am was departure time but the train was late for 1.5 hours…we could sleep more. This one was a freight train stoped here changing their shifts.


This gigantic train is double decker, seats are wide and has outlets too. There is a shop and diner car as well.


Got off at Klamath Falls connecting Amtrak bus to Crater Lake. Even though the train was late we arrived here with not much delay.

Klamath Fallsで下車してAmtrakのバスに乗換えてCrater Lakeへ。電車はかなり遅れたけどバスの待ち時間を削ってほぼ予定時間に到着。

Most of hikers walk Rim Trail around Crater Lake instead of the PCT. Also at this moment PCT was closed due to increasing smoke.

ここからハイカーの多くはCrater Lakeの周りを歩けるRim TrailをPCTの代わりに歩く、後で分かったのはPCTは煙が多くなった為に通行禁止になっていた。

Crater Lake was supposed to be beep blue. But the smoke…the deepest lake in the US.


Wizard Island

PCT parking?

There was water cashes in the bear box at this parking. Thanks for the cashes we didn’t need to carry much water!



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