PCT Day62 Road Walk (7/15, 1,393-Burney Ranch)

Wow, thunder woke me up two days in a row! No prob , I got used to starting in rain on TA.


It’s been a while to see these.


You don’t need to check every steps. But sandal hiker does need to! This section was filled with volcanic rocks and that was the most uncomfortable for me.


Also worn me out pretty quick because I need to concentrate avoiding rocks and finding safe spots to land. So I escaped and started road walking!


Tracy(left) is coming out here for the last three Sundays to have hikers trail magic! She bakes really well, yummy. Thanks Tracy!


Burney Mountain Guest Ranch near PCT. We sent food boxes here instead of going to a town of Burney. So we could grab & go but our packages weren’t here yet…

So we stayed here for a night. This guest ranch is really nice place opened up for thru-hikers. Meals, shop, laundry, shower all what we need is here, definitely must stop place!


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