PCT Day55 Luna Hiker (7/8, 1,184-1,212mile)

12mile to Sierra City!

Got a ride into the town from local guy with two dogs.


Sierra City is a small town with restaurant, cafe, post office and general store. The store opens at 9am, we got here 5min before.

Sierra Cityはcityって言ってもレストランとカフェ、郵便局、ジェネラルストアがあるだけの小さな街。ストアは朝9時にオープン、丁度開く前に到着。

Famous one pond burger was actually too much. It’s so heavy you can’t really lift it oh my.

有名?なワンパウンドバーガーはパテが450g! 重過ぎて持ち上げると崩れるほど!

The sole of my sandals got thinner feeling ground too much, too painful. Ordered Luna Sandals OSO Flaco on Amazon. First Luna for me!

自作サンダルが部分的に薄くなって足が痛くなって来たのでルナサンダルのOSO Flacoをアマゾンで注文、ストアでピックアップ。初のルナ!

Back on the trail in the afternoon. No ride this time so had to walk 1.5mile in the sun on the road wasn’t fun also my stomach couldn’t digest one pound stuff…


Luna is harder than mine that I felt first. So I assume they gonna last for the end of this trip. Overall I liked it, more grip, more durable and straps hold better.



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