PCT Day50 Zero 2 (7/3, South Lake Tahoe)

It was confusing yesterday. First of all we visited two post offices to collect our packages. Then messed up with transit in Tahoe. Google map was no much with actual bus schedule here so we got confused and missed bus and bus stops several times…


I decided not to walk around today and zero supposed to be zero walking!

But needed to go to post office sending my bear canister to Vancouver. Put all extra stuff in then left Motel 6. Had breakfast at Denny’s nearby then sent my stuff.

Rest of the day was relaxing and eating all day. By the way there is a store called Grocery Outlet across the street, great deal that was the only cool about this location. I can feel my weigh is coming back!


でもひとつだけ仕事があって、また郵便局に行く事に~もう使わない予定の物をベアキャニスターに詰めてバンクーバーの友人の元に送る事に、近くのデニーズで朝食食べて荷物送ってモーテルへ戻った。このモーテルでロケーションが唯一良いのは向かいのスーパーのGrocery Outlet中々の品揃えでオーガニックのものも多いのに安い!買い物してから一日中のんびり食べて過ごす、既に体重戻って来てる感じ~


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