PCT Day49 Town Day (7/2, 1,070-South Lake Tahoe)

Lost Lake(West) was the place I camped. It was a beautiful spot I shared with a couple Caveman&Hot Rips. Who’ve done Southern California backed to Sierra because of too much snow. Many hikers started earlier had to do flipflop on High Sierra section. Hope to see them in Oregon.

昨日はLast Lake(west)の辺りでキャンプ、静かで中々のスポット。先に居たカップル、Caveman&Hotripsとキャンプファイアして夕食を共にした。彼らは大雪のせいでSierraを飛ばして、Northern Californiaを歩いた後にSierraに戻ってきたそう。自分より先に始めた多くのハイカーから同じような話を聞いて、自分は本当にラッキーだな~とつくづく思う。Oregonでまた会えたら良いねと言われ眠りについた。

Right by the lake, beautiful morning!

Jeremy caught me up and told me that he’d get a ride from Carson Pass. That made today’s hike much shorter!

Jeremyはすぐに追いついてきて、Carson Passからもヒッチ出来るよ~と。元の予定よりだいぶ短くなり午前中に街へ!

Carson Pass

Meiss Trailhead Parking has information center and they give you fruits and cold drinks for thru-hiker, thanks!


We got a ride in a sec! The first car stopped, he works at Tahoe Sports, biggest outdoor store in Tahoe. He told us he always gives a ride for hikers as many as possible. Nice guy!


Thai was the lunch today on the way to post office. Love Thai food!


Turned out the post office near the motel doesn’t hold general delivery package. All package directly go to the main post office.


Free pizza for PCT hikers at Base Camp Pizza!

細かな仕事を終えてPCTハイカーには無料のピザを提供してくれるBase Camp Pizzaへ~、ハッピーアワーでビールも安い!


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