PCT Day29 30+mile ×3 (6/12, 651-683mile)

Walking over 30miles for three days in row wasn’t my plan. But Tehachapi to Kennedy Meadows is 136miles, so making the trip in five days I wanted a little push in the middle.

ここ3日は1日50km歩いてる。TehachapiからKennedy Meadowsまで220kmを5日で歩く事にしたから中3日はプッシュして頑張る事にしたけど大変。

This is Walker Pass where I camped last night. Most of hikers take a bus or hitch to town avoiding the 136mile stretch.

昨夜はWalker Passでキャンプ、殆どのハイカーはここで街に降りて、220kmのストレッチを分けて歩いてた。

Joshua Tree Spring, Spanish Needle Creek, Chimney Creek were the water sauce for today. I got soaked up and gulped then walked under the burning sun.


19mile to end the desert tomorrow. No checking water reports, no carrying extra water anymore. Though my maximum water amount was 1.5L and most of the time I had 0.5 to 1.0L was much less than other hikers. I was lucky that I encountered 100℉ hiking day only once and that was hell.

明日は30km歩けばKennedy Meadows、水場のチェックも予備の水を運ぶのもこれで終わり。自分は他のハイカーに比べると水の量は断然少ない、最大でも1.5L状況次第だけど0.5Lしか持たないのが基本だった。ラッキーだったのが38℃を超える日に出くわしたのは一回だけ、でもその時は暑さにやられ水も尽きて死にそうになったよ。


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