PCT Day14 Water (5/28, 275-301mile)

Streams, spring, faucets, water cashes, it’s all about water. This day and the next day was walking by Holcomb Creek and Deep Creek, lots of water.


It’s been lucky for me, not having real hot days.


At Scout&Frodo we were told to carry 5,6 litters of water. But weather was cool so I only carried a litter and most of hikers made to Lake Morena. Later I heard from Isha that a week before was so hot that all the hikers brought 6L and no one made to 20miles at Lake Morena.

サンディアゴのScout&Frodoでは初日は5,6リッターの水を持ってくように勧められたけど、天気予報では気温はそんなに高くなかったから1リットルでスタート、殆どのハイカーはLake Morenaまで辿り着けた。後でIshaに聞いたら1週間前は記録的な暑さで、皆んな6リットルの水を持ってスタート、けど誰も20マイル先のLake Morenaまで行けなかったらしい。

My fake tattoo arm covers. Whenever I cross streams or springs I make them wet to cool down.


Found a quiet place by Deep Creek and cowboy camped again. I couldn’t wait the full moon to rise.



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