PCT Day4 “Born to Run” (5/18, 63-91mile)

My food ended up mostly vegan except tuna pouches and fish stock. Both breakfast & supper are soup, one would be miso-soup and another is dehydrated veggie soup with a little amount of ground brown rise and quinoa in both. During the hike I eat nuts, dry fruits, seeds.


My first audiobook on trail was “Born to Run”. Actually I started before the trail. I wanted to read this one for sometime before. And finished on the first day on PCT.

Wow! this is now my favorite book of all time. This book is inspiring also great real story in it. And awesome fuel for hiking I suppose.

PCTで最初に読み出したオーディオブックが”Born to Run”、実際は歩き出す前から読んでたけど初日に読み終わった。


This doesn’t look like an oasis but it is perfectly oasis to us. 40 gallon of water and trash can in the middle of desert. Perfect!


An apple was a great treat from the hikers box here.

I had a longest day so fur covering 28miles which is 45km! I was exhausted but without having knee problems. Slow but steady is the way for now.



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