PCT Day3 “Wild” (5/17, 42-63mile)

Have you seen a movie called “Wild”?

I have just before coming here. It’s a real story about a woman finding herself on PCT. Some says good others say stupid and I think this movie is a stupid Hollywood movie but I felt it has a good story behind it.



I brought some audiobooks on my phone and one of them is “Wild”, the original nonfiction novel. The actual book is really good. I mean she had a real adventure on PCT and the story is great!


My feet is dirtier than on TA because of dry sandy desert walking with sandals. My huaraches is so fur so good except I have hard time cleaning them. So dry.

前半戦は乾燥地帯の砂地が殆ど、サンダルで歩いてる自分の足はTAより汚いんじゃないかな~。ワラーチ は今のところ絶好調、でも毎晩足を綺麗にするのに結構時間がかかる。寝巻きはある程度綺麗な状態で着たいからね。


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