Egg to Chekin #1






The new project has started!

Having chickens at our garden was on one of our wishlist. We asked people where to get chicks or eggs. Well no one sure about it…

Come to think of it, you hardly see the chickens even countryside of Tsuyama.

Still we knew one has some. So visiting the house and asking them would be the best. I told about the location of the house to my mom and she said that’d be Osamu’s place. He was my parents classmate!

When we visited him without notice he looked he was just got up. But he was kind enough to give us a lecture how to raise chickens.

First of all we needed to get fertilized eggs and a fertilizer. And both of them you can get online of course. Also he gave us cautions that we need to protect them from other animals especially crows. They take chicks and eggs wisely.


It takes 21days to hatch then chicks will be grow up in a box in our tent. So can worry about their house and protection later. So we got fertilized eggs on net auction!


A fertilizer was also necessary so we bought it. Can’t wait to see them hatch!!!


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