PCT Day99 GOAL (8/21, Manning Park-Monument)

Manning Park Resort was smoky too. Can’t get out of it…

Manning Park Resortもやっぱ煙いね~、聞くところによるとバンクーバーも煙が酷いらしい。

The board said PCT is the one of the longest trail in the world.


We carried beer for our celebration at the monument off course.


Gravity started late but caught us up just in time.


I think we spend like two hours hanging around the monument.


Splashing champagne, why not!


My long journey was over started from Te Araroa(Nov.5-Mar.27) then PCT(May 5-Aug.21). Everyone asked me if I wanted to try AT & CDT. The answer was “NO!”. I had enough walking already. But I’d like to hike Kumano Kodo that’s the next, no more long long ones.

遂にTe Araroa(11/5-3/27)から始まってPCT(5/15-8/21)に続いた長ーい歩く旅が終了!皆んなに次はAT? CDT? と聞かれるけど、答えはノー‼︎ スルーハイクは長過ぎる~もう一生分歩いた感がある。でも熊野古道は歩いてみたい、長過ぎないしね~

I was pretty lucky to have this opportunity to do two thru-hike one after another. It was obviously lots of suffering, challenging, pushing your limits, walking in real pain for so long. And then after all the hike my body needs some time to recover.

My hiking buddy once told me that thru-hike is suffering but after that you appreciate more, just small things, you enjoy your life more. I totally agree and it’s true. Anyway I was happy finishing it. I am happy having the whole experiences from them. But most of all I’m pretty excited to go to Alaska for fishing Salmon hahaha!



It was our goal getting the monument but we needed to hike out too. A little more hiking.


MYOG Gear on the PCT.

Backpack “One Pocket”/ No major issues.

Shelter “Shiro” / No major issues.

Trekking Poles “PCTs”/ replaced tips and one snapped(fixed with glass-fiber) it happened because of my bad construction.

Sandals “Huaraches”/ #1&#2(1,200mi), Luna OSO(1,300mi)

If anyone want to hike PCT with Luna sandals I suggest one pair of Luna OSO would work well.

もしルナサンダルでPCT歩きたいって人がいたらLUNA OSOをお勧めします。多分一足で全行程歩けると思う、それくらい丈夫!


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