Two days ago a sobo hiker told me that next 100mile was rocky terrain. It was rocky yesterday taking more time than I thought.
2日前に会ったSOBOハイカーから、この先160km程は岩場が多いよって言われてた。確かに昨日はそうでSnoqualmie Passに着くのに思ってたより時間がかかった。
And today was worse…fist-sized stones all over, screes uneven rocky paths. It was kinda fun but not much progress in distance.
Usually I have a plan reaching at the end of the day, always near water. Most of the time I recalculate around 3pm whether I could get there or not.
Clearly I was much slower than usual. After 7 hours of hiking I made 16miles that was not even half distance I wanted to make…
So I changed my destination for tonight much closer 30miles away from the Pass. It was a nice spot and many section hikers were there. Two more day to Steven Pass. I’ll push tomorrow then. Good night!
まあそんな日もあるよね~と思いつつ新たなキャンプ地を探してるとスタートから48km先のテント場なら水もあるし何とか行けそう。実際なかなか良い場所だった。次の補給地点のSteven Pass迄は後2日、明日明後日頑張れば大丈夫かな、また明日〜