PCT Day90 Crazy 73 (8/12, 2,334-2,471mile)

I heard about a 73 years old thruhiker a week ago. They called him Crazy73. I thought that was his trail name. Definitely one of the eldest thruhikers.

数日前にCrazy73に会ったことあるって聞かれた。なんと73歳のスルーハイカーが歩いてるらしい⁉︎ 会った中では間違いなく最高齢。

At White Pass I met 73 years female hiker two days ago, hiking whole PCT. I’d love to be energetic and healthy enough to try adventures like this when I got old.

その数日後にWhite Passでは73歳の女性スルーハイカーに出会った。そんな歳でも元気で健康でいられて新たな冒険に出れるなんて素晴らしい!

The Dipsea Demon said “You don’t stop running because you get old. You get old because you stop running.” I remember this phrase clearly from the book, Born to Run.

Born to Runの中でのフレーズでお気に入りのものがDipsea Demonの言葉で ”年老いたから走るのを辞めるんじゃない、走るのを辞めたから老いるんだ。”

Wet Washington

Mike Urchin Cabin, one of a few huts on PCT.


I was collecting berries before this spring so I could make berry×berry lemonade. It was so good!!!


Black Huckleberry

Crazy 73, I forgot his real name but I suppose Crazy73 is a good name for him. He was hiking WA before OR. It’s because he want to finish WA before snow fall.




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