PCT Day82/83 α7s (8/4,5, Portland)

Two Zeros!!! The first zero we went to downtown Portland for some shopping. Other than that mostly relax and rest. I forgot to take my camera with me when visiting downtown so no pics. But talk about my camera!

連続ゼロデー‼︎ 最初のゼロはPortlandのダウンタウンへ行ってショッピング、残りはのんびり完全休養。ダウンタウンに出た時はカメラを忘れてノーピクチャ~、だからカメラについて語ります。

SONY α7s is the one I carry for TA and PCT. Through two long distance hiking it’s really beaten up by now.


Voigtlander Nokton Classic 40mm T1.4 Single-Coated and VM-E Close Focus Adapter from Cosina. I wanted bring more lenses but trying to be a UL hiker and having this camera was already too much.

レンズはVoigtlander Nokton Classic 40mm T1.4のシングルコート仕様、それにVM-E Close Focus Adapter、両方コシナの商品。今回はワイドレンズも持って来たかったけどULハイカー目指す自分にはこのカメラだけでも重量オーバ~。

The monitor died on TA, one of river crossings. I slipped while taking pics in the river and dipped it for seconds. But the camera survived!! When I went back to Japan I ordered a new monitor hoping to make it works again. Unfortunately the problem wasn’t the monitor itself…anyway it’s lighter and the finder works so no prob.

カメラのモニターはTAの後半戦の渡渉中に撮影してたら滑ってボットん⁉︎ でもカメラは無事だったんよね~。TA後に日本に帰った時にモニターだけ注文、交換して治る事を祈ってたけど問題はモニターじゃなかったみたいで修理失敗。まあファインダーは無事だし死んだモニターは外して軽くなったから結果オーライ。

My MYOG camera strap connect to the shoulder harnesses. No weight on my neck.



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