PCT Day65 Toilet (7/18, 1,458-1,485mile)

Morning is the best time of hiking. Starting dark seeing sky to grow, color differs everyday. Also my legs are fresh in the morning.


Handy-washlet, ass shower & Mogu by Mizo, a titanium scoop made in Japan. I carry napkins or kitchen papers to wipe. Thanks for the washlet I don’t need much.


It’s been a big issue hikers not digging holes or not carrying out used papers. You see it everyday near the trail. It’s very simple find a good spot in woods and dig a hole relax, bury it and leave no trace.


It was around 3pm we stopped to camp. Tired from yesterday’s long walk. Dove into Squaw Valley Creek with clothes on.


A bear was playing and eating something off trees just other side of the river. No concern about us saying this is his territory and us humans stay on the other side.


Cowboy camping tonight, happy to take a long sleep!



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