PCT Day57 Day Hiker (7/10, Quincy-1,287mile)

Resupply and eat then relaxed in motel yesterday.


Fresh cream on smoothie at Morning Thunder Cafe. Kei would love this!

出発前にMorning Thunder Cafeでスムージーを頼むと、渓の大好きな生クリームがのったスムージーが出てきた!

Waited the end of the town to hitch. It took a while again but finally a car stopped. She is trail Angel at Bucks Lake, the other side of PCT. She told us we didn’t look like thru-hikers that was why cars didn’t stop. Sometimes people think we’re day hikers. Actually she passed us and came back for us!

町外れでトレイルに戻るためにヒッチハイクをスタート、中々捕まらなかったけどBucks Lakeのトレイルエンジェルが拾ってくれた。彼女いわく綺麗過ぎてスルーハイカーに見えないから捕まらないんだよって、実際彼女は通り過ぎて確かめるために戻って来てくれたらしい。確かに良くデイハイカーに間違えられるけど感謝!

6 miles of steep downhill was the last menu of the day. That was tiring but made it to Belden, a small RV Park with store and bar. Having beer end of the day was great!



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