PCT Day42 New Skin (6/25, Mammoth Lakes-922mile)

American breakfast always make me full.


New Skin(liquid bandage) was recommended by Jeremy for covering cuts, wounds, cracks.

JeremyからNew Skinって液体絆創膏がある事を聞いたので早速買って使ってみる事に~

My right middle toe was suffering from the crack where it attached to foot. That was where I wanted to use the new skin.

右足の中指の付け根がひび割れ、そのまま1週間以上歩いてたら傷はどんどん深くなり対処が必要だった。早速New Skinでコーティング!

Bear family on the way to trailhead.


Stayed in town till noon. A little hike for this afternoon.


I wanted to camp near Thousand Island Lake. But had to change the plan because the hikers from down the lake told us there were too many mosquitoes…it’s already a lot up here but less was better.

Thousand Island Lakeの近くにキャンプする予定だったけど湖から上がってきたハイカーが下は半端なく蚊が凄いよと忠告してくれた。既に今いる場所も多いのに~下に降りるのは諦め近くでフラットな場所を探す事にして本日は終了。


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