PCT Day38 Muir Pass (6/21, 828-856mile)

I heard Muir Pass was the most snowy pass on PCT and it certainly was.

Muir PassはHigh Sierraセクションの中では残雪が一番多いと聞いていた。

Miles of snow on south side and it was fun walking. My feet didn’t get too cold thanks to Montbell neoprene socks!


Muir Pass and the John Muir Shelter were named after the famous conservationist and writer, John Muir off course.

Muir PassとJohn Muir Shelterは勿論かの有名なJohn Muirから名付けられた。

I was lucky to have low snow this time of the year. So I could walk with huaraches. But I’m curious how much snow I could walk with sandals.

Well It seems to me if it’s not too cold, the amount of snow won’t be the matter at all.

例年に比べて自分が歩いてる今の残雪はかなり少ないらしい、そこはラッキー!でももし数週間前に此処に辿り着いてたらサンダルで歩けたかな~?Muir Passを歩いて、感覚的には寒すぎなかったらサンダルでも何とかなりそう。


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