DAY109(2/22) Methven to A Frame Hut 2279km-2289km

Cyclone Gita faintly left and we were back on trail today!

We took a ride on a school bus trail head. Only few cars pass by this road so the school bus was very helpful.

This section is such a troublesome. The two rivers Rakaia and Rangitata are said “impassable” and we’re supposed to hitch hike to down stream and hitch back up to the other sides.

Well Gita left some damage around this road and the school could only take us a half way. So extra 22km of road walk was needed.

Over the closed sign piles of mud and rocks also muddy streams flowing.

There were four more spots like this on the way. It was very hard walking on these sections.

Road walk is generally more tiring than hiking on trail but scenery was great so we didn’t mind this walk.

Gita also brought snow on mountains. And that made views even better.

It took us 6 hours to the trail head. Our packs were heavy with 8 days of food and our body got little rusty by taking 3 days of zero. We were already tired by then.

Our aim was getting A-Flame Hut 9km away. This section has no tall trees so we had views all the time and I love it!

A Frame Hut

Finally we made it to the hut. It’s a pretty little hut with three banks.

It was still blight and nice so we had a dinner outside. It’s quite rare around streams in NZ without bothered by sandflies.

We enjoyed it under the beautiful sky.

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