DAY84(1/28) Hacket Hut to Old Man Hut 1885km-1904km

We entered Richmond Range today one of the hardest parts of Te Araroa. Nobu was excited this range and was being a good mood. I felt his excitement.

Crossing river multiple times first in the morning. I don’t like my shoes getting wet all the time. I was trying hopping on rocks but slipped in the stream on 5th crossing. Sad feeling but then I didn’t worry wet shoes any longer.

Steep climbing to the ridge after the river crossings. We could see mountains in distance above tree line. That excited me as well.

Starveall Hut

Almost always walking on the ridge through many ups&downs.

All similar size of trees lined up in this forest and I like it. Soft light filtering through the trees made it perfect.

Slaty Hut

The views from the ridge was nice. My body was tired but I enjoyed this walk.

Love hiking like this seeing mountains over the ridge lines with panoramic views!

Little Rintoul (1643m) & Mt.Rintoul (1731m)

Our stay tonight was Old Man Hut. It is off trail 1km away and 200m down the ridge. This downhill after the long walk was really tiring. I was so happy when I saw the hut in between trees.

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