DAY63(1/7) Hipango Park to Wanganui Top10 Holiday Park 1377km-1397km

Headed out to the jetty first in the morning. Faint pink color of clouds made it beautiful one.

Finally we could see the jetty and our canoe. It could go away with swift currents overnight but it was there for us!

It was still hard to pull and get it turn. We secured the canoe and went back to wait a couple more hours.

After breakfast we went down again and water was even lower! Unfortunately we lost my oar, extra oar and one of our barrel.

Food and our basic camping stuff isn’t in the barrel but our extra stuff we send them town to town. We happened to be carrying them on Whanganui Journey. And my wedding dress handmade by my sister was in that barrel!!! I was so sorry that I didn’t take it with me.

We started the last day of canoeing with happiness we could carry on and at the same time despaired of loosing my wedding dress.

We had only one oar but with this swift current we could get down easily. I was looking around if there was a chance we could find lost stuff. And soon I found my oar hanging on a tree!? With only one oar it was hard to control but we managed to get it back!

After a while a boat was coming up from down stream. First I thought about maybe it was a rescue for us. Then the boat was approaching and they said “Have you lost one of your barrels”. I couldn’t believe what they said. But he had our barrel on his hand. What a miracle!!! We never thought about getting it back.

Our saviour! They were camping down stream and found it last night. Thanks a lot!

Happiness made me smile and cry at the same time.

Ripped rope was the other end of our canoe tied to jetty. We were lucky it held the canoe for us to go down and it was a miracle we got the barrel back.

In the end we lost only extra oar but safely arrived to Whanganui.

Yesterday was my birthday so we celebrate birthday and our survival!

Beef & lamb with cocktail salad.

Special birthday cakes.

Mountain of dinner and all the miracles filled me up well. What a day!!!

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