DAY62(1/6) Zero Day

Love avocado and it’s been a while last time I had it.

Rained all night from the afternoon yesterday.

After breakfast I went down to check if our canoe was alright. And what I saw was a wide muddy stream nothing like we saw the river last few days.

Our canoe was missing and so the jetty. Also water level was rise so much that I first thought I came down a wrong way. I went back to call Nobu.

We both faced to the river and stand still for a little while. Nobu said “its probably under water because we don’t see the jetty either”. Suddenly part of canoe appeared and then sank again saying I’m here! So relieved we were.

Just relax we decided or like we had to. Nothing we could do without our canoe. We didn’t have any signals and on the map there were 2 buildings close by.

The weather was great this day too bad we have nothing to do.

Brought ballers down hoping water level go down. But nothing we could do at this point.

Lunch & dinner was heaped curry rice.

The water level went down slowly but still it was high and too much current by 20:00. 

Our lovely shelter with nothing bothered us around. Had a fire and spent quiet night. Luckily we had enough food for a couple more days and we really hoped the river gets normal tomorrow.

Today was the day reminded me that we’re both healthy and well to travel even though so many things happens everyday and I appreciate it.  

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