DAY42(12/17) Mangaokewa Riserve to Ngaherenga Campsite 918km-970km

Under the big tree we had good sleep.

Garlic fried rice! Rice in the morning always fills us up.

Nice rocks everywhere. We miss rock climbing.

A tube was at a picnic area. Nobu tried rafting with it, flow was slow but he enjoyed it!

Walking steep pass, boggy trails, continuing ups & downs and fighting with thorn plants. I was exhausted.

It was a challenging trail and still beautiful by river and nice forests. Quite enjoyable walk I should say.

Right after the trail we met Sam working with his dogs labeling sheeps. He showed us how to control dogs with whistles to move sheeps one place to another. That was awesome!

New campsite at 933k is 2 months old. Nice and cozy. It’s for TA hikers Sam created for. We had a good rest after hard walk!

Guest book is the one we always enjoy. Checking names of hikers ahead of us. Some we know some we never met. Van Go from Netherlands always drew nice one we wish to catch him one day.

Sam came to see us at the camp and offered if we’d like to have a little tour around. We said WHY NOT like always.

Riding on A quad was fun! He took us to a hilltop through his farmland. He has 2,000 acre , keeping bulls and sheeps. He also took us to the main road so we can get a ride easily on the road.

Nobu loves bonfire so he made it at a campsite. Drying up my dirty shoes and socks but not burned! The last time my shoes melted on wood stove…

A lady suddenly appeared when we were ready to sleep. She was sorry about shooting a rabbit near us, she didn’t notice it was that close. (We heard a gun shot a while ago.) Then she offered us a rabbit for dinner as apologize. We ate dinner but we say yes so we were able to see how she cut it. Nobu and Isha were excited very much!

Rabbit BBQ!
I only had a peace and that was enough for me. Isha doesn’t eat red meat so Nobu enjoyed the rest.
Meat in supermarket I love but contradictorily no appetite for the fresh meat.

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