Northland / Cape Rainga to Ahipara 4days Part1

Cape Rainga to Maunganui Bluff

Arrived at Cape Reinga around 10:30. We got a lift from a nice guy called Pedro. He got a drone and other shooting stuff and we’re on his YouTube now! But I can’t find his page…Where is it Pedro!

DAY1(11/6) / Cape Rainga to Twilight Beach 0km-12km

The first sign of Te Araroa
Rock scrambling!

When we started tide was getting high and rock scrambling was quite hard, there was one point we had to traverse with rock climbing skills and that was fun!


Nobu was walking with barefoot and I did the same and that was a mistake. Soon my legs are tired and my feet started aching.
I realized my feet are relayed on shoes too much and hoped that would change on TA.


12km for 4 hours, easy walk for the day one. Twilight beach campsite is nice one having toilet and a little kitchen with roof, easy access to the beach as well.

“Let’s get some seafood” said Nobu after setting up the tent. It was low tide and easy to find huge mussels at the end of the beach.

Thanks to the fresh meal, that was delicious.

Nobu offered to the other hiker but no one wanted to try seafood on the first day.

Day 2(Nov.7) Twilight beach to Maunganui Bluff 12km-40km

Four mussels nobu caught for breakfast, cooked with rice and that was perfect start for a day.

Ninety mile beach starting today is the longest beach in NZ.
Beautiful beach I was thinking for a while but then I couldn’t enjoy it after 5 hours. Just walk on it.

7 hours walking for 28km

Whole my body was aching and tired. Stiff shoulders and back by carrying backpack. Self maintenance by Yoga ease my body. Glad Ive been doing Yoga!

It prohibited collecting shells and mussels around Maunganui Bluff so we went back a little to catch other stuff for dinner. Food is the key on this journey.

Midnight rain and strong winds woke me up sometime. Then I felt something cold on my neck, thought it was a drop from tent. Reaching to my neck then threw it away that was a snail came up on my neck!!
Experiencing different stuff here from the beginning lol.


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