The last camp was the first camp on the beach!
It’s more like tarp, our tent is and this thin piece of shelter can protect us from rain and cold wind make us able to sleep anywhere!
Water leaking sometimes, a horse played with it and made holes, sandflies and mosquitoes came in from no where but in the end it was all good stories.
One guy was meditating on his car on the beach.
Later he passed us cigarette on his hand with loud music on. It was fresh and funny to me. He’s living on his way!
Meeting up with our precious comrade, Isha who arrived Invercargill a day before. Went out for lunch together and nice fresh food filled us up pretty well~
Lunch @The Batch Cafe
Found a brewery on the way!
It was a party this night with many hikers met in early time on TA.
We walked different paces but ended up finishing together and here we were one day before the end of this long pathway.
And no connections between us before TA but now we experienced the same through hike with similar paces.
I am really happy meeting with them, walking side by side sometimes, thanks my friends!
Bea from US
Isha from Belgium
Michael from Denmark
Sunshine from US
Emma and Dahn from US
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