DAY116(3/1) Lake Tekapo to Twizel 2423km-2478km

My first full marathon!

Lake Tekapo to next campground is 43km through 32km beside canal. Trail note says only if you’re confident walking this distance in a day can go. No overnight camping is allowed along the way. Otherwise there’s an option to cycle.

Well other option I came up with is have Kei take a bus with our stuff and I run!

Minimal stuff in Keri’s backpack.

Well I never attempted a full marathon and with my condition, walking 8 days straight, I didn’t think I could run all the way but maybe half.

Started from Run 76 Cafe I passed an elegant hiker Cosmo with coffee in her hand.

Power generation station

This canal is man made to create some electricity.

The path is beside this long canal.

After 10km passed Michel from Denmark.

And then Bee from UK.

Martin from Germany was waiting for me to catch up so we could run together.

Thanks for running with me!

After passing everyone I kept running and walking sometimes.

This canal is actually full of Salmons because of the salmon farm down the canal. So I brought my fishing rod with me but no luck…

On the way I met first Japanese tramper, Toru. He was section hiking started today and heading to Queenstown in two weeks. He was encouraged by TA hikers he met while working at a backpackers in Hammer Springs. Hope to see you again on trail!

As soon as I got out from the canal there was a car coming toward me and I put my thumb up…nice old couple was lost and on the way to junction.

Well my plan was to catch some salmon and hitch to Twizel or run to Pinetree Campground(43km) then hitch to Twizel. Now I hitched 6km empty handed…

I’ve got to do this at least 42km run or walk doesn’t matter but 42.195km!!!

Yes, in the end I did a full marathon length run over 20km, no fish but beer to treat myself.

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