DAY111(2/24) Wild Camp to Clearwater Track 2307km-2334km

Daytime is definitely shorter now. Morning is usually cold so we start walking after 8am lately.

Summer is diminishing.

Most of the walk was on tussock land mostly downhill. Small streams are everywhere and some boggy section hiding between tussock.

We enjoyed the views on this section with lovely weather.

Lunch at Manuka Hut 300m off trail.

Manuka Hut

We met a senior trampers on the road. Offered us a ride to the start point of Clearwater Track and we said yes.

I appreciate kindness of people around us.

Clearwater Track is cycle trail as well so it’s generally easy going. But Nobu checked GPS after a while and found out we were on a wrong path. We could go back but also possible going back over a hill

Thanks for the ride we found our camp spot by 15pm. Washing clothes and ourselves at a stream next to. Smile came out naturally while washing with cold water not like fording in.

Cuscus for dinner! Everyone eats cuscus and we finally put it on our menu. Easy cooking and good amount. Cookies & chocolate for dessert is standard by now.

Two family we met at the trail head showed up while supper. They cycled on the same wrong path we did and they rode quite farther, then here comes stream crossing. But everybody was smiling saying “What a adventure!”

Nice choice bicycle trip on weekend and it seems very popular in NZ.

I realized it was the life style I’ve been longing for. Wake up at dawn and seep in after dusk. I’d love to stay with this cycle.

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