DAY104(2/17) Zero Day @Hamilton Hut

Thunderstorm wake me up and it brought heavy rain.

We decided to stay one more night here so we were able to finish the puzzle. It was still a lot of work needed but other hikers joined us and we finished it together. That was fun!

It was not much raining anymore but still some showers. Looked like it was getting better and some hikers left the hut.

Also some hikers arrived and Michel showed up! We started the trail the same day and it’s been more than 2 months we didn’t see him. He got sick and had to stay at Greymouth for 2 weeks. He lost weight by hiking also the sick got him shave more but he looks very fit now. I’m glad he is better now.

It was a good stay in the nice hut with friendly hikers. It’s good to have some time off while traveling this long.

Humilton Hut

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