DAY103(2/16) Lagoon Saddle A Frame Hut to Hamilton Hut 2223km-2233km

Lagoon Saddle A Frame Shelter

Morning breeze was cold but I felt good with clear blue sky.

It was some ups&downs and river crossings still it was mostly gentle and easy walk.

West Harper Hut

We got to Hamilton Hut by 1pm. It’s a nice hut with wood deck but as usual sandfries everywhere outside and inside!

Some huts has a radio which connects to a base nearby and this one connects to Arthur’s Pass Visitor Center.

Nobu trying to use it the first time asking upcoming weather forecast.

It was a warm day so we did dip in the river. Water was cold and I felt refreshed! But soon after an army of sandflies started attacking us. Withdrawal was necessary.

All afternoon was free and we started a 1000 piece puzzle which was in the hut. Couldn’t finish it tonight though it was fun.

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