DAY101(2/14) Greymouth to Arthur’s Pass

The best fish&chips in town! We say it was a good one. We eat many fish&chips places and it seems we could write a guidebook about them.

After a big lunch we started hitching to Arthur’s Pass.

Many cars were passing but no cars stopping. But after one our we got a lift to Kumara Junctuon where the other road connects.

It was not many car going the direction of Arthur’s Pass and we waited and waited and almost gave up and started thinking to walk to the next village and crash somewhere.

Well then a car stopped!

Alain, the driver said he was not giving a ride on the road but he saw us when he passed to the other direction hours ago and found us still on the road on his way back. And felt sorry for us.

Thanks a lot Alain!!!

He was originally from the village on the way and took us to the view point. How nice all kiwis!

Nobu & Alain

A long day was over. It was the hardest challenge of hitching but no complaints since we are willing to travel free.

Thanks again Alain and all people gave us rides on this journey!

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