DAY94(2/7) Wild Camp to Boyle Flat Hut 2048km-2083km

Well it’s been a while time I slept deep and good. The temperature dropped during the night but I wore everything I had and coldness didn’t bother me.

Te day started with stream crossing and the water was cold like winter.

Got warmer after a couple of hours but I felt sores in my legs all day. I suppose it caused by getting cold and wet feet in the morning.

Anne Hut

Rokeby Hut

Grassland was shining gold and dancing with wind. It feels like fall to me.

Walking grassland is tricky sometimes, hidden bump and swamp parts are hard to see over high grass.

It was about sunset over the mountains when we arrived to Boyle Flat Hut.

I was exhausted but Nobu went fishing the river nearby.

He couldn’t get any but soup and mashed potato filled my weary body up well.

I felt peace with amber light from the lantern and warmth from the wood stove.

Boyle Flat Hut

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